Turnbull China Bikeride
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Text File
529 lines
*- MegaBoard Version 2.07 -*
Please note this program is SHAREWARE, please refer to the end of this file
for details.
- Introduction -
MegaBoard 2 is a desktop Backdrop utility designed as a replacement for the
Pinboard Module supplied with Risc OS 3. It offers a number of extra features
and enhancements. (MegaBoard 2 will be referred to as MegaBoard from here on)
- System Requirements -
This version of MegaBoard will work with all versions of Risc OS from 3.1
- Terminology -
"MegaBoard" refers to this Program.
"Pinboard" refers to the Risc OS 3 utility.
- Upgrading from earlier versions -
- Version 2.00 has been completely rewritten in C, there are many small
enhancements, too numerous to list here, please experiment.
- Note that cycled backdrops are not supported in this release, later releases
will include a secondary application that implements cyling backdrops.
- The interface for special icons has been slightly modified, icons written
for earlier versions will work, as long as they do not attempt to modify
their own size or position. I am not currently aware of any third party
special icons that do this, but if you are unsure please contact the author
of the special icon before using it with this version of MegaBOard. Naturally
the four special icons supplied have been modified to work correctly.
- The format of the configuration files has changed slightly, so files created
by versions earlier than 2.00 can no longer be used.
- Starting up -
MegaBoard can be Loaded by double clicking on the icon !MegaBoard in the
directory viewer.
When MegaBoard is first loaded it is necessary for it to reinitialise the
Filer. This will cause all open Filer Windows to be closed. Installing
MegaBoard into the boot sequence (see below) avoids this Problem.
- Use -
Filer icons
Placing Filer icons on MegaBoard:
An icon is placed on MegaBoard by dragging it from a Filer window and
dropping it on MegaBoard.
An icon dragged and dropped onto another part of MegaBoard will be moved
to that position unless it is locked (see below).
Positioning and Grid lock:
Normally filer icons are positioned at the exact position they were dropped
on MegaBoard. However if the Grid lock option is on then any icons
placed or moved on MegaBoard will be positioned at the closest grid
point. The Grid lock option is toggled by choosing the Grid lock menu item
on MegaBoard menu.
Note: Grid lock only applies to Filer icons placed or moved when it is
activated. Activating Grid lock has no effect on existing icons unless
they are moved.
Grid lock has no effect on special or window icons
Double-clicking Select on an icon placed in the manner described above has
the same effect as it would in a Filer window. Double-clicking Adjust is
identical unless the 'Adjust Removes' option is set in the main menu, in
which case the icon is also removed from MegaBoard.
Icons dragged from MegaBoard and dropped on other applications (including the
Filer) are also treated in the same way as icons dragged from a Filer window
with the exception of dragging with Shift copying not moving the selected
Dragging with Adjust additionally removes the items from MegaBoard if the
'Adjust Removes' option is set in the main menu.
Filer icons can be selected in several ways:
1. Clicking Select on an unselected icon selects it and deselects all others.
Clicking Select on a selected icon has no effect.
2. Clicking Adjust on an unselected icon selects it.
Clicking Adjust on a selected icon deselects it.
3. Dragging Select on MegaBoard produces a bounding box within which all
icons are selected.
4. Dragging Adjust on MegaBoard produces a bounding box within which all
unselected icons are selected and selected icons are deselected.
5. Clicking Menu over an icon when none are selected selects that icon and
opens the main menu.
Information on a Filer icon can be obtained by choosing the 'Info' option
from the 'File' Submenu.
Filer icons that are no longer required can be removed from MegaBoard by
selecting them and choosing the 'Remove' option from the 'File' submenu.
Opening the parent directory:
The parent directory of a file or directory can be opened by choosing the
'Open Directory' option from the 'File' submenu.
An icon can be locked to MegaBoard to prevent it from being moved. Locking is
toggled by choosing the 'Lock' option in the 'File' submenu. Locked filer
icons can still be dragged, but dropping them back onto MegaBoard will not
move them.
Moving to the front or back:
Should an icon be obscuring another it is possible to move it to the back of
the heap by choosing the 'Back' option from the 'File' submenu. Similarly an
icon can be moved to the front by choosing the 'Front' option from the same
Altered files:
If a file whose icon is on MegaBoard, is deleted or renamed the icon will be
automatically removed from MegaBoard. Similarly if the filetype is altered,
the MegaBoard icon will be updated to reflect the change.
Window icons
iconising application windows:
Clicking on a window's close icon with Shift will cause it to be reduced to a
MegaBoard icon. An exception is filer windows, these will only be handled in
the same way if the 'iconise dirs' option is set in the MegaBoard menu,
otherwise the icon of the parent directory is placed on MegaBoard as a Filer
icon (see above).
Window icons cannot be removed using the MegaBoard menu. Double clicking
Adjust or Select on a window icon brings the window to the front and removes
the icon. The icon will also be removed if the window's parent application
closes or reopens the window.
Accessing menus of iconised windows:
iconised windows may have menus associated with them, if this is the case
then clicking Menu while pressing Shift opens this menu.
Note: Window icons cannot be locked.
To create a backdrop execute the following steps:
1. Choose the 'Make' option from the backdrop submenu. This opens the
backdrop setup dialogue box.
2. Drag the object (directory (see below), sprite, or draw file) containing
the backdrop to the appropriately marked icon.
3. Select the desired horizontal and vertical positioning icons.
4. Click on 'OK'.
To remove a backdrop choose the 'Remove' option from the Backdrop submenu.
If the 'Autoscale' option in the backdrop setup is selected then the backdrop
will be scaled to always occupy the same number of OS-units not pixels on the
screen in the same way as icons. E.g. a backdrop in the standard 1600x600
mode will be scaled to the same size it would be if the resolution were
1600x1200. This sounds more complicated than it is the effect of the
autoscale option is best understood by experimentation.
When a backdrop is created, it is possible that part of the screen becomes
corrupted and is then redrawn, this is normal and not a bug.
Normally MegaBoard will optimise backdrops to use as little memory as possible
sometimes this is undesirable, as a gain in memory will result in a loss of
redraw speed. Selcting the 'Speed optimise' option on the backdrop setup
dialogue box will cause MegaBoard to attempt to manage the backdrop in such
a way that it is redraw as fast as possible, if necessary at the cost of an
increase in memory usage.
Changing the background colour:
To change the colour of the background choose the 'Colour' option from the
Backdrop submenu. This will produce a standard colour picker, which
can be used to select a new colour. The colour can then be chosen using either
a standard colour selector, if it is available (under Risc OS 3.5 or greater it
is included in ROM) or MegaBoard's own colour selector if it is not.
Special icons
Special icons are icons which can perform a variety of additional functions,
and can be defined by users with a knowledge of ARM code programming. See the
files 'ProgGuide' and 'ProgTut' for instructions on how to create new special
Special icons are placed on MegaBoard by choosing their menu items from
the Special icon submenu.
Special icons can be locked in the same way as filer icons, but contrary to
filer icons they cannot be dragged at all when they are locked.
Moving to the front or back:
Special icons can be moved to the front or back the same way as filer icons
(described above).
This version of MegaBoard includes the following special icons:
Displays the current position of the mouse pointer in screen coordinates.
Displays the current time in the format defined in its Format parameter (see
below for how to edit parameters). The Format parameter is a standard time
and date format string as described on page 327 of the RISC OS 3 User Guide.
If the format string contained a syntax error the icon will not display the
time, but the word "ERROR" instead.
Deletes files dragged onto it.
Displays an Acorn logo in the top-right corner of the screen. (Logo sprite by
Adam Goodfellow (adam@comptech.demon.co.uk)).
Some special icons (e.g. Time) can be configured by the user. This is
accomplished by editing its parameters in the following manner:
A special icon has parameters associated with it if its menu item has a
submenu arrow pointing to a parameter dialogue box which contains a writaeble
icon for each parameter. Initially these icons contain the default values for
the parameters. If you wish to change any of them edit the value displayed.
When all parameters contain the desired values place the icon by clicking on
the 'Create' icon in the dialogue box.
Entering a name into the 'New surface' submenu then choosing that menu item
creates an icon resembling a directory. Double-clicking this icon appears to
clear the board,in reality however, it has merely caused a new 'surface' to
be displayed. Double-clicking Adjust on the background will return to the
previous surface and the icons will reappear.
Icons including additional surface icons can be placed on this new surface
as before. Nested surfaces can be viewed in a similar manner to
subdirectories in filer windows, double-clicking Adjust on the background
always moves to the parent surface.
Removing a surface icon recursively removes all icons on that surface. If one
or more of them is a window icon, then those windows will be reopened.
Removing an icon's restriction to a surface:
Normally an icon be restricted to the surface in which it was created,
however it may sometimes be desirable to have anicon visible on all surfaces.
For example the AcornLogo special icon would not be much use if it were
only visible on one surface. In order to make an icon visible on all
surfaces set the 'All surfaces' option by choosing its entry in the
'File' submenu.
Note: This option is not available for window, or surface icons.
The Overview Window
The overview window is opened by choosing the 'Overview' option from the
MegaBoard Menu.
Displayed on the overview window is a "map" of MegaBoard. The white rectangle
around the centre represents the visible area i.e. the screen excluding the
icon bar. The surrounding light grey represents the area invisible to the
Icons are represented on the overview menu by small colour coded rectangles,
the following is a table of icon types and their colour codes:
Magenta..iconised window
Black....Special icon
Cyan.....Surface icon
Dragging icons on the on overview window:
Dragging an overview window icon and dropping it back onto the overview
window has the same effect as dragging it would on the MegaBoard i.e. the
icon is moved to the position it is dropped on. Dragging an overview window
icon to a different window has no effect.
Unless the 'Move locked' radio icon on the overview window is selected, an
attempt to drag a locked icon will have no effect.
If the 'Move locked' radio icon is selected, icons can be dragged and moved
regardless of whether or not they are locked. However this only applies to
the icons' representations on the overview window, restrictions to dragging
locked icons on the MegaBoard remain.
The Spyhole
Backdrop programs of this nature generally have one major flaw. When the
desktopis cluttered with windows, it is very inconvient to access icons on
the backdrop. In order to avoid this, MegaBoard provides a "Spyhole".
Pressing Alt-F1 opens a small window in the centre of the screen. This
window allows you to see and click "through" other windows to MegaBoard. It
can be dragged like any other window, allowing access to MegaBoard's entire
surface. So rather than moving several windows in order to access MegaBoard's
icons it is possible to accomplish this using the spyhole. While The Spyhole
is open, it will always remain ath te top of the window stack.
* Commands
MegaBoard's support module provides two * Commands, '*Pin' and '*Backdrop'.
'*Pin <Pathname> <x_coordinate> <y_coordinate>' places the filer icon
specified by <Pathname> on the MegaBoard at the given coordinates.
Example: *Pin adfs::harddisc4.$.fred 200 200
'*Backdrop [-options] [Pathname]' creates a backdrop, whose positioning is
determined by the options as follows:
'-Centre' centres the backdrop horizontally and vertically.
'-HCentre' centres the backdrop horizontally.
'-VCentre' centres the backdrop vertically.
'-Scale' Scales the backdrop horizontally and vertically.
'-HScale' Scales the backdrop horizontally.
'-VScale' Scales the backdrop vertically.
'-Tile' Makes the backdrop tiled horizontally and vertically.
'-HTile' Makes the backdrop tiled horizontally.
'-HTile' Makes the backdrop tiled vertically.
'-Top' Aligns the top of the backdrop picture with the top of the screen.
'-Bottom' Aligns the bottom of the backdrop picture with the top of the icon
'-Left' Aligns the left of the backdrop picture with the left of the screen.
'-Right' Aligns the right of the backdrop picture with the right of the
'-Remove' Removes the current backdrop (if present).
'-Autoscale' Has the same effect as selecting the 'Autoscale' option in the
backdrop setup dialogue box.
'-SpeedOpt' Has the same effect as selecting the 'SpeedOpt' option in the
backdrop setup dialogue box.
This list of options is in order of reverse priority i.e. if two or more
contradictory options are specified (e.g. -hscale and -hcentre) in one
command the one lowest on the above list will take effect.
Example: *Backdrop -HCentre -VScale adfs::4.$.Pic0
Will use the picture in the file 'adfs::4.$.Pic0' as a backdrop. The
picture will be horizontally centred and vertically scaled.
Installing MegaBoard in the boot sequence
With Risc OS 3.5 onwards:
Run the supplied !Install applicationto install MegaBoard in the boot
sequence. It can be removed using the !UnInstall application.
With earlier versions of Risc OS:
If your system does not yet have a !Boot application it is necessary to
create one see the Risc OS User Guide for details on how to do this.
Copy the PinSupport module from the !MegaBoard application directory into the
!Boot directory and add the following line to the !Boot.!Run file:
RMLoad <Obey$Dir>.PinSupport
Note: installing MegaBoard into the boot sequence removes the need for the
filer to be reinitialised when it is first run.
- Credits -
Thanks are due to the following for testing, ideas and nagging for more
Pavendip Birah (IRC nickname: PAV)
Asif Nazir (IRC nickname: Hawks)
And to the following:
Eli-Jean Leyssens (IRC nickname: Zorack) for the majority of the
conversion of MegaBoard 1 to Risc OS 3.1.
Roalt Zijlstra for desiging the multiple file sprite for Risc OS 3.1
and Adam Goodfellow for letting me use his AcornLogo sprite.
The authors of DeskLib (for obvious reasons)
- Copyright notice -
Except for the addition of special icons this application may NOT be altered.
Nor may it be distributed for profit without my approval, this includes
distribution as an 'extra' with commercial products, however should you wish
to do so you are welcome to contact me do discuss details. A small charge to
cover copying and media is acceptable.
This program is SHAREWARE, if you use it regularly you must register as a user.
Registered users will be entitled to receive free upgrades (see below) and
improved support. The cost of registration is 15 Deutschmarks or 5 UK pounds
including a disc with the latest version of MegaBoard.
Please make all payments in cash only. Users outside the UK or Germany may
send local currency, it should be equivalent to 15 Deutschmarks. (No coins
please. Should the amount sent exceed DM 15, you will be entitled to receive
upgrades free of P&P equivalent to the excess amount.)
Send registrations, comments, bug reports etc. to:
Sham Gardner
Vorderstr 19
76189 Karlsruhe
or EMail: un9l@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
Registered users can receive upgrades as follows:
From within Germany: Send a disc and a stamped-addressed jiffy bag to the
above address.
From outside Germany: Send a disc and the equivalent of 3 Deutschmarks (e.g.
1 Pound) to cover P&P to the above address.
Or by EMail from anywhere in the world: Send a short mail to the above
address and I will reply with a
uuencoded archive containing the
latest version of MegaBoard (no P&P
for EMail).
- Version history -
1.00 - First release version
1.01 - Minor bug fixed that occasionally caused icons to disappear.
Option added to prevent double clicks with Adjust from removing icons.
1.50 - Special icon interface rewritten to require special icons to be
written in ARM code. Avoiding the unpredictable memory requirements of
BASIC librarys.
The three special icons provided with MegaBoard rewritten in ARM code
to adjust to this requirement.
1.51 - Minor bugs fixed and several little features added.
1.52 - Overview window and option to place directories instead of iconising
filer windows added.
iconised windows reopened by their tasks are now automatically
1.53 - Selections of objects dragged from filer windows no longer all appear
in the same spot
1.54 - Bug in special icon placing removed
1.55 - Scaled backdrops now require less memory.
1.61 - * commands '*Pin' and '*BackDrop' supported allowing e.g. textures to
be set from !Configure.
Special icon 'AcornLogo' added.
1.62 - Cycled backdrops supported.
1.63 - Changes to the desktop font handled properly.
The colour picker now always reflects the current backdrop colour.
Filer and window icon text is either black or white to ensure it is
readable with any backdrop colour.
Filer icons whose objects are altered e.g. their have type changed are
automatically updated to reflect these changes.
1.64 - Facility to move icons to the front or back of the heap added.
Window icons not longer slow down the system.
1.65 - Option added to auto-scale backdrops to fit the screen size in OS
units not pixels.
1.66 - Minor bug fixes.
Special icon parameters are now edited using a dialogue box instead of a
cumbersome submenu structure.
1.67 - Option to save as additional items added.
1.68 - "Navigator" feature added
1.69 - Multiple surfaces feature added.
1.70 - Adapted to work with versions of Risc OS earlier than 3.5.
1.71 - Bug concerning tiled backdrops removed.
1.73 - Bug causing icons to be incorrectly redrawn when using the system font
1.74 - Bug involving the redraw of window icons removed.
1.75 - Bug causing crashes with certain backdrop sprites fixed.
System font handling improved.
Acorn allocated filetype (&11C) used for configuration files.
1.76 - Bug preventing access to iconized windows on removed surfaces fixed
2.00 - Complete rewrite in C
Spyhole added
Many minor enhancements
2.01 - Error in the template file removed
2.02 - Relevent modules included
2.03 - Custom colourpicker added, for cases when the Risc OS colourpicker is
2.04 - Bug causing the spyhole to become hidden even immediately after.
pressing ctrl-insert fixed.
Icon bar added to the overview window.
The spyhole no longer flickers when dragged to the top of the screen.
2.05 - Several minor bugs fixed.
2.06 - The Spyhole can't be coverd by other windows.
Spyhole keypress changed to Alt-F1.
Bug causing the Wimp colour picker to crash fixed.
Bug concerning auto-removal of window icons fixed.
2.07 - Communication with the support module improved.
Overview drags improved.